Eastern Red CedarJuniperus virginiana Native Range: Eastern North AmericaZone: 2 to 9Height: 30.00 to 65.00 feetSpread: 8.00 to 25.00 feetBloom Time: Non-floweringBloom Description: Non-floweringSun: Full sunWater: Dry to mediumMaintenance: LowLeaf: EvergreenOther: Winter InterestTolerate:
American HollyIlex opaca Zone: 5 to 9Height: 20.00 to 25.00 feetSpread: 10.00 to 15.00 feetBloom Time: MayBloom Description: Greenish-whiteSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: LowSuggested Use: HedgeFlower: InsignificantLeaf: EvergreenAttracts: BirdsFruit: ShowyOther: Winter
Japanese CedarCryptomeria japonica Native Range: Japan, southern ChinaZone: 5 to 9Height: 50.00 to 60.00 feetSpread: 20.00 to 30.00 feetBloom Time: Non-floweringBloom Description: Non-floweringSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: LowLeaf: EvergreenOther: Winter Interest
September ElmUlmus serotina Native Range: Central and southern United StatesZone: 3 to 9Height: 40.00 to 60.00 feetSpread: 30.00 to 50.00 feetBloom Time: March to AprilBloom Description: Reddish-greenSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: Rain
Slippery ElmUlmus rubra Native Range: Central and southern United StatesZone: 3 to 9Height: 40.00 to 60.00 feetSpread: 30.00 to 50.00 feetBloom Time: March to AprilBloom Description: Reddish-greenSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: Rain
American ElmUlmus americana Native Range: Eastern North AmericaZone: 2 to 9Height: 60.00 to 80.00 feetSpread: 40.00 to 70.00 feetBloom Time: March to AprilBloom Description: Reddish-greenSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: Shade Tree, Street
Winged ElmUlmus alata Native Range: Eastern and central North AmericaZone: 6 to 9Height: 30.00 to 50.00 feetSpread: 25.00 to 40.00 feetBloom Time: March to AprilBloom Description: Reddish greenSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: LowSuggested Use:
Littleleaf LindenTilia cordata Native Range: Europe, southwestern AsiaZone: 3 to 7Height: 50.00 to 70.00 feetSpread: 35.00 to 50.00 feetBloom Time: JuneBloom Description: Pale yellowSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: LowSuggested Use: Shade
Silver LindenTilia tomentosa Native Range: Southeast Europe to Asia MinorZone: 4 to 7Height: 50.00 to 70.00 feetSpread: 30.00 to 50.00 feetBloom Time: June to JulyBloom Description: Pale yellowSun: Full sun to part
Bald CypressTaxodium distichum Native Range: Southeastern United StatesZone: 4 to 9Height: 50.00 to 70.00 feetSpread: 20.00 to 45.00 feetBloom Time: Non-floweringBloom Description: BrownSun: Full sunWater: Medium to wetMaintenance: LowSuggested Use: Rain GardenLeaf: Good