SourwoodOxydendrum arboreum Native Range: Eastern and southern United StatesZone: 5 to 9Height: 20.00 to 50.00 feetSpread: 10.00 to 25.00 feetBloom Time: June to JulyBloom Description: WhiteSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: LowSuggested
Chinese PistachePistacia chinensis Native Range: China to PhillipinesZone: 6 to 9Height: 30.00 to 35.00 feetSpread: 20.00 to 30.00 feetBloom Time: AprilSun: Full sunWater: Dry to mediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: Shade Tree, Street TreeFlower: InsignificantLeaf:
American HophornbeamOstrya virginiana Native Range: Eastern North America, MexicoZone: 3 to 9Height: 25.00 to 40.00 feetSpread: 20.00 to 30.00 feetBloom Time: AprilBloom Description: Red-brown (male); light green (female)Sun: Full sun to part shadeWater:
Apples (Heirloom)Malus domestica Zone: 5 to 8Height: 15.00 to 25.00 feetSpread: 15.00 to 25.00 feetBloom Time: AprilBloom Description: WhiteSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: Flowering TreeFlower: ShowyAttracts: Birds, Hummingbirds, ButterfliesFruit: Showy, EdibleTolerate: Air
Sweetbay MagnoliaMagnolia virginiana Native Range: Eastern United StatesZone: 5 to 10Height: 10.00 to 35.00 feetSpread: 10.00 to 35.00 feetBloom Time: May to JuneBloom Description: WhiteSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: Medium to wetMaintenance:
CrabapplesMalus cultivars Zone: 4 to 8Height: 15.00 to 20.00 feetSpread: 15.00 to 20.00 feetBloom Time: April to MayBloom Description: Deep pinkish redSun: Full sunWater: MediumMaintenance: LowSuggested Use: Flowering TreeFlower: Showy, FragrantLeaf: Good FallAttracts:
Star MagnoliaMagnolia stellata Native Range: JapanZone: 4 to 8Height: 15.00 to 20.00 feetSpread: 10.00 to 15.00 feetBloom Time: MarchBloom Description: WhiteSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: Flowering TreeFlower: Showy, FragrantTolerate:
PossumhawIlex decidua Scientific Name: Ilex deciduaNative Range: Southeastern and central United StatesZone: 5 to 9Height: 7.00 to 15.00 feetSpread: 5.00 to 12.00 feetBloom Time: MayBloom Description: Dull whiteSun: Full sun to part shadeWater:
Saucer MagnoliaMagnolia x soulangiana Native Range: Garden originZone: 4 to 9Height: 20.00 to 25.00 feetSpread: 20.00 to 25.00 feetBloom Time: MarchBloom Description: White flushed with purpleSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested
Franklin TreeFranklinia alatamaha Native Range: Southeastern United StatesZone: 5 to 8Height: 10.00 to 20.00 feetSpread: 6.00 to 15.00 feetBloom Time: July to AugustBloom Description: WhiteSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: MediumMaintenance: MediumSuggested Use: