by nashtreefound
Happy May Day! May Day: a holiday celebrating the arrival of Spring, usually on May 1st; earliest known May celebration appeared during Floralia (the “festival of Flora” or “festival of flowers”) during the Roman Republic (500 BC – 27 BC). Flora– the Roman goddess of flowering plants. Modern-day May Day celebrations occur in Europe and North America, and usually include dancing around a maypole and crowning the May Queen or Queen of May.
The Queen of May- American yellowwood (Cladrastis kentukea), currently in full blossom and performing throughout Nashville on this May Day 2020, a year that really has been a festival of flowers thus far.
Emerald Ash Borer in Nashville It all started when… …the Emerald Ash Borer migrated in packing materials from Asia. First discovered in Detroit, Michigan, in 2002, the pest has already destroyed millions of
Yes, these three things are linked together, not just in name but biologically as well. But first things first… the cedar (aka redcedar or eastern redcedar) is not a cedar at all, at
Black Locust, Birthdays, and Phenology How does a bear know when it’s time to hibernate, when does a migratory bird start its southward journey for the winter, or how does a tree know
In honor of the “Lily Tree with Tulips” Sounds interesting, right? Sounds pretty as well. Where do I get one? Well this tree can be easily acquired and it is widely planted around